In introspection, what determines a good missionary; I believe is humility in working together with colleagues.
Billy and Josephine Cheung
“The Lord is WITH us in the field and we are not alone.”
“God hears our prayer and makes us stronger.”
“Our almighty God is the Lord of Mission! ”
Little Mighty Worm
Serving God in the field is worth the wait.
Little Channel
God never wastes any of your life experiences.
Little Channel
Who WE Are?
Evangelization for
Evangelization for
WEC International takes the good news to the peoples and nations who have yet to hear it: the good news that Christ came to bring forgiveness of sins and peace with God, and to displace hatred with love.
As we enter the life of a local community we expect to see churches flourish in cultures where Christ is little known. Our diverse activities include youth work, teaching, medical work, music and the arts, Bible translation and literacy, business enterprises, ministries with addicts and children in crisis, and helping local Christians to share the gospel cross-culturally.
WEC is committed to finding new, creative and culturally-relevant ways of doing missions.
Our Core Values

Our Objectives

Where does WEC work?
Middle East
Central Asia